Thursday, October 25, 2012


    From watching Faces of America video, I learned that the decisions our ancestors made effects us greatly.  If they decided not to come to the US our lives would be totally different. Some of us would not be where we are today. In the video, if their ancestors made a different decision they probably would not of had the opportunities to be successful as they are today.
   We are a "nation of immigrants". That means that pretty much everyone who lives here is from a different country. It means that the cultures are very diverse. I do feel aware of my connection to my ancestors because I know that my grandparents came from Lebanon after they got married.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

John D Rockefeller

     John D Rockefeller was the founder of the Standard Oil Company. He has been hardworking all of his life. As a teenager, Rockefeller took on a lot of small businesses. In 1863 he opened his first oil refinery. At this time he had control of almost all the refineries int he region. By the 1880's Rockefeller had dominated oil business throughout the whole country. Rockefeller retired from the oil business when he was 56. Then he focused on charity work. Rockefeller have $30 million to many different causes and charities.
    Rockefeller was definitely a successful man, and a wealthy on also. He started out at the bottom and worked his way to the very top. He showed the world that hard work most def pays off in the end. I believe that Rockefeller is a perfect example of a successful man.
